Bella Swan

Bella Swan, США, Grand Forks Водолей
Место проживания
Grand Forks
Родной город

14 февраля
Семейное положение
не состоит в браке, не замужем
Подробная информация:
Bella Swan проживает в городе Grand Forks, США. Родной город - Forks. Семейное положение Bella: не замужем. Знак зодиака Водолей. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании.
Bella пишет о себе:
To fall in love with the vampire … It is terrible? It is romantic … It is fine and painful … But it cannot come to an end good — especially in eternal opposition vampire clans where the slightest difference But it cannot come to an end good — especially in eternal opposition vampire clans where the slightest difference from associates already transforms you into the enemy … Abilities ~ I was unique, whose thoughts Edward could not read. And, becoming the vampire, I have found to it an explanation. The matter is that I, as well as Edward, had ability. My consciousness protects original "board", very strong which, being the vampire, I learnt to operate — to stretch it on defined distance, protecting thus reason of others, being near to me, and to remove it from the consciousness, allowing Edward to read my thoughts at last. Character ~ I am very kind, careful, clever, understanding. But very clumsy, all not a gratefulness what only can be met I draw to itself. Since the childhood I was very obstinate, always defended the opinion, did not surrender even when was and is not right. In spite of the fact that it was brought up only by mum - Rene, I have grown the good sensual girl, always obeyed parents, at least, listened to them. my stepfather Fil respected, about what it is possible to tell much that I very much loved the family and was ready for the sake of it on much, I always differed from the coevals independence and mind. Rene always trusted me and could rely on it. New acquaintances for me was to get hard, I was modest, therefore I almost did not have girlfriends, I often talked in the sleep, therefore Rene liked to joke about it, its jokes afflicted, and in general I could burst into tears without the serious reason, it is peculiar to all to 17 summer girls. I was very impressionable and all very close took to heart. Appearance ~ It is impossible to tell certainly that I was the beauty, but was really nice girl, beautiful darkly brown deeply planted eyes, long eyelashes which towered over them, dark eyebrows, faintly pink lips, a small nouse. In general it is possible to tell that my features were very thin, on my cheeks the flush constantly flaunted, is dark a fair hair with outflow of chocolate which were poured on the sun, fell down below shoulders, my skin was very pale, it had an ivory shade. I was enough таки the thin and fragile girl, looking at me it was possible to understand that I very lovely. In clothes I prefer a practicality, never bought inconvenient things, and in general I did not love It is impossible to tell certainly that I was the beauty, but was really nice girl, beautiful darkly brown deeply planted eyes, long eyelashes which towered over them, dark eyebrows, faintly pink lips, a small nouse. In general it is possible to tell that my features were very thin, on my cheeks the flush constantly flaunted, is dark a fair hair with outflow of chocolate which were poured on the sun, fell down below shoulders, my skin was very pale, it had an ivory shade. I was enough таки the thin and fragile girl, looking at me it was possible to understand that I very lovely. In clothes I prefer a practicality, never bought inconvenient things, and in general I did not love shopping, cosmetics did not use. BUT ALL HAS CHANGED WHEN I BECAME THE VAMPIRE!
Интересы Bella:
всё и сразу)))
Bella Swan живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, штат Северная Дакота, Grand Forks.
Среднее образование:
American Academy of Dramatic Arts
New York City
Высшее образование:
New York Institute of Business and English
Дата окончания: ????
New York City
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Однофамильцы Bella Swan
19 мая 1994, 31 год
New York City
13 сентября 1987, 38 лет
6 января 1994, 31 год
3 июля 1988, 37 лет