Josh Schneider

Josh Schneider, США, Glen Allen Скорпион
Место проживания
Glen Allen
Родной город

Glen Allen

35 лет
2 ноября 1990
Семейное положение
не состоит в браке, не женат
Подробная информация:
Josh Schneider проживает в городе Glen Allen, США. Родной город - Glen Allen. Рожден в год Лошади по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Скорпион. В настоящий момент Josh 35 лет, не женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании.
Josh пишет о себе:
1. My name is Josh, if you could not tell from my screen name. 2. I am 20 years old, and I do not find age to be a problem in a relationship. 3. I live in Virginia, but I am not a southern guy. I cannot stand rebels. The South lost, they fought for slavery, get over it. 4. I can be either the biggest party animal or the most chill guy in the room depending upon my mood and the type of company I am with. 5. I am a very loving person, so understand that I will not cheat on your, lie to you, or steal from you. 6. I am very open-minded and liberal, so I support gay marriage, legalization of pot, and universal health care. 7. I am peaceful, so I am anti-war and pro-gun control. 8. I am a writer of poetry, essays, and short stories. 9. I am an atheist, but I do not force my views on people, but I come out against against bigotry. 10. I find tattoos, piercings, and different hair colors to be huge turn-ons, but I sadly, have none of them. 11. I enjoy sex, so do not be a prude about it. 12. I love roller coasters, kayaking, rock climbing, hiking, traveling, and trying new cuisine. Simply put, I enjoy anything that is fun. 13. I find emo, scene, punk, skater, hipster girls to be the biggest turn-ons of all, but that does not mean that I immediately turn away other women. 14. I have performed stand-up comedy, and I love to make people laugh, and my taste in comedy is very broad, but be warned: I know some really horrible jokes. 15. To follow up #14, know this: I love to make common conversation sound dirty to give myself and others like me a cheap laugh. 16. I am an animal lover, so no, if you are like Michael Vick, fuck off. 17. I enjoy cooking and trying new cuisine. My favorites include Japanese, Vietnamese, soul food, Irish, and Italian. 18. I am a mentor to many of my friends and generally the leader of our little entourage. I look after my friends and want nothing more than happiness for those that I love. 19. I enjoy exercise. Not full blown body building, but I like to stay in shape. 20. I drive a 1965 Volkswagen Bus.
Интересы Josh:
I love to study natural/artificial disasters, ghost towns, abandoned structures, religions, pirates, current events, politics, and cuisine.
Josh Schneider живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, штат Вирджиния, Glen Allen.
Среднее образование:
J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College
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Однофамильцы Josh Schneider
13 февраля 1988, 37 лет
9 сентября 1981, 44 года
19 апреля 1992, 33 года
23 августа 1990, 35 лет