Loriel Pissed

Loriel Pissed, США, California Овен

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Место проживания
Родной город


37 лет
24 марта 1988
Семейное положение
состоит в браке
Подробная информация:
Loriel Pissed проживает в городе California, США. Родной город - California . Рождена в год Дракона по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Овен. В настоящий момент Loriel 37 лет, замужем.
Loriel пишет о себе:
I am a triple threat Alternative Model, Makeup Artist,singer,writer,fashion event planner and Designer of TOXIC COUTURE, so I pretty much do anything and everything that has to do with being artistic. I do work in High fashion editorial,vintage, horror,edgy/ colorful type of shoots.I have been seen in magazines such as the cover of Inside Out magazine, three page spread in Rive magazine, and am the covergirl for 944 magazine.I have modeled for many wonderful clothing and jewelry companies and am always looking to help out more companies as well. I like to do things my way- meaning I like who I am and I don't want people trying to change me. My originality is everything to me and I am confident that I will go far in life just being myself. I am very artistic. Fashion and music have made a major impact in my life and my style as you can see in many of my pictures. I hope to make an impact on people's lives in a positive manner. I think many people can look up to me as being a leader and never giving in to the norm. Being yourself and not letting anyone change who you are or influence you to do bad things is the most important thing to remember to find confidence within yourself. Thanks for checking out my page* If you are a photographer looking to work with a versatile model with lots of experience please feel free to message me. I do not understand Russian! MODEL/MAKEUP ARTIST/FASHION DESIGNER
Loriel Pissed живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Калифорния, California.
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