Подробная информация:
Жека Мырдык проживает в городе Енакиево, Украина. Родной город - енакиево. Рожден в год Лошади по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Телец. В настоящий момент Жеке 47 лет. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, карьере.
Жека пишет о себе:
3-7-2009 16:16:45:359 Tracing: ProductType=0x0
3-7-2009 16:16:45:359 Tracing: OperationFlags=0x8
3-7-2009 16:16:45:359 Tracing: SourcePath=E:\
3-7-2009 16:16:45:359 Tracing: ComponentId=18966540
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: OS setup. Switching to unattended mode...
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: Unattended mode. The unattended answer file is:
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\$winnt$.inf
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: Checking for installed components...
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: Checking for installed components of MSMQ 1.0 ACME setup...
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: The ACME registry key could not be opened. MSMQ 1.0 ACME was not found.
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: Checking for an upgrade from Windows 9x...
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: Checking for an upgrade from MSMQ 1.0 k2 in the cluster...
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: Checking if MSMQ 1.0 is installed in the cluster...
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: MSMQ 1.0 is not installed in the cluster
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: Initializing OS Version.
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: ProductType=0x0
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: The number of subcomponents is 5
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: GUI mode and Message Queuing is not installed.
3-7-2009 16:16:45:484 Tracing: Initialization was completed successfully!
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: Starting late initialization...
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: Setting Message Queuing folders...
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: Setting folder ID for the Message Queuing folder:
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: Setting the folder ID for the Message Queuing Exchange Connector folder (beta2):
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\setup\exchconn
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: Setting the folder ID for the Message Queuing storage folder:
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\storage
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: Setting the folder ID for the Message Queuing Web folder:
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\web
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: Setting the folder ID for the Message Queuing mapping folder:
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\mapping
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: Setting the folder ID for the MSMQ 1.0 setup folder:
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\setup
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: Setting the folder ID for the MSMQ 1.0 SDK debug folder:
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msmq\sdk\debug
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: Setting the Message Queuing folder IDs was completed successfully!
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: Late initialization was completed successfully!
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_Core was NOT selected initially
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_Core is NOT selected currently
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_Core subcomponent is DO NOTHING.
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_LocalStorage was NOT selected initially
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_LocalStorage is NOT selected currently
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_LocalStorage subcomponent is DO NOTHING.
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_TriggersService was NOT selected initially
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_TriggersService is NOT selected currently
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: The current mode for the msmq_TriggersService subcomponent is DO NOTHING.
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing: The subcomponent msmq_HTTPSupport was NOT selected initially
3-7-2009 16:21:29:264 Tracing:
Интересы Жеки:
The following table shows the symbolic constant names, hexadecimal values, and mouse or keyboard equivalents for the virtual-key codes used by the system. The codes are listed in numeric order., , Constants, VK_LBUTTON (01), Left mouse button, , VK_RBUTTON (02), Right mouse button, , VK_CANCEL (03), Control-break processing, , VK_MBUTTON (04), Middle mouse button (three-button mouse), , VK_XBUTTON1 (05), Windows 2000/XP: X1 mouse button, , VK_XBUTTON2 (06), Windows 2000/XP: X2 mouse button, , - (07), Undefined, , VK_BACK (08), BACKSPACE key, , VK_TAB (09), TAB key, , - (0A-0B), Reserved, , VK_CLEAR (0C), CLEAR key, , VK_RETURN (0D), ENTER key, , - (0E-0F), Undefined, , VK_SHIFT (10), SHIFT key, , VK_CONTROL (11), CTRL key, , VK_MENU (12), ALT key, , VK_PAUSE (13), PAUSE key, , VK_CAPITAL (14), CAPS LOCK key, , VK_KANA (15), Input Method Editor (IME) Kana mode, , VK_HANGUEL (15), IME Hanguel mode (maintained for compatibility; use VK_HANGUL), , VK_HANGUL (15), IME Hangul mode, , - (16), Undefined, , VK_JUNJA (17), IME Junja mode, , VK_FINAL (18), IME final mode, , VK_HANJA (19), IME Hanja mode, , VK_KANJI (19), IME Kanji mode, , - (1A), Undefined, , VK_ESCAPE (1B), ESC key, , VK_CONVERT (1C), IME convert, , VK_NONCONVERT (1D), IME nonconvert, , VK_ACCEPT (1E), IME accept, , VK_MODECHANGE (1F), IME mode change request, , VK_SPACE (20), SPACEBAR, , VK_PRIOR (21), PAGE UP key, , VK_NEXT (22), PAGE DOWN key, , VK_END (23), END key, , VK_HOME (24), HOME key, , VK_LEFT (25), LEFT ARROW key, , VK_UP (26), UP ARROW key, , VK_RIGHT (27), RIGHT ARROW key, , VK_DOWN (28), DOWN ARROW key, , VK_SELECT (29), SELECT key, , VK_PRINT (2A), PRINT key, , VK_EXECUTE (2B), EXECUTE key, , VK_SNAPSHOT (2C), PRINT SCREEN key, , VK_INSERT (2D), INS key, , VK_DELЕTЕ (2E), DEL key, , VK_HELP (2F), HELP key, , (30), 0 key, , (31), 1 key, , (32), 2 key, , (33), 3 key, , (34), 4 key, , (35), 5 key, , (36), 6 key, , (37), 7 key, , (38), 8 key, , (39), 9 key, , - (3A-40), Undefined, , (41), A key, , (42), B key, , (43), C key, , (44), D key, , (45), E key, , (46), F key, , (47), G key, , (48), H key, , (49), I key, , (4A), J key, , (4B), K key, , (4C), L key, , (4D), M key, , (4E), N key, , (4F), O key, , (50), P key, , (51), Q key, , (52), R key, , (53), S key, , (54), T key, , (55), U key, , (56), V key, , (57), W key, , (58), X key, , (59), Y key, , (5A), Z key, , VK_LWIN (5B), Left Windows key (Microsoft Natural keyboard), , VK_RWIN (5C), Right Windows key (Natural keyboard), , VK_APPS (5D), Applications key (Natural keyboard), , - (5E), Reserved, , VK_SLEEP (5F), Computer Sleep key, , VK_NUMPAD0 (60), Numeric keypad 0 key, , VK_NUMPAD1 (61), Numeric keypad 1 key, , VK_NUMPAD2 (62), Numeric keypad 2 key, , VK_NUMPAD3 (63), Numeric keypad 3 key, , VK_NUMPAD4 (64), Numeric keypad 4 key, , VK_NUMPAD5 (65), Numeric keypad 5 key, , VK_NUMPAD6 (66), Numeric keypad 6 key, , VK_NUMPAD7 (67), Numeric keypad 7 key, , VK_NUMPAD8 (68), Numeric keypad 8 key, , VK_NUMPAD9 (69), Numeric keypad 9 key, , VK_MULTIPLY (6A), Multiply key, , VK_ADD (6B), Add key, , VK_SEPARATOR (6C), Separator key, , VK_SUBTRACT (6D), Subtract key, , VK_DECIMAL (6E), Decimal key, , VK_DIVIDE (6F), Divide key, , VK_F1 (70), F1 key, , VK_F2 (71), F2 key, , VK_F3 (72), F3 key, , VK_F4 (73), F4 key, , VK_F5 (74), F5 key, , VK_F6 (75), F6 key, , VK_F7 (76), F7 key, , VK_F8 (77), F8 key, , VK_F9 (78), F9 key, , VK_F10 (79), F10 key, , VK_F11 (7A), F11 key, , VK_F12 (7B), F12 key, , VK_F13 (7C), F13 key, , VK_F14 (7D), F14 key, , VK_F15 (7E), F15 key, , VK_F16 (7F), F16 key, , VK_F17 (80H), F17 key, , VK_F18 (81H), F18 key, , VK_F19 (82H), F19 key, , VK_F20 (83H), F20 key, , VK_F21 (84H), F21 key, , VK_F22 (85H), F22 key, , VK_F23 (86H), F23 key, , VK_F24 (87H), F24 key, , - (88-8F), Unassigned, , VK_NUMLOCK (90), NUM LOCK key, , VK_SCROLL (91), SCROLL LOCK key, , (92-96), OEM specific, , - (97-9F), Unassigned, , VK_LSHIFT (A0), Left SHIFT key, , VK_RSHIFT (A1), Right SHIFT key, , VK_LCONTROL (A2), Left CONTROL key, , VK_RCONTROL (A3), Right CONTROL key, , VK_LMENU (A4), Left MENU key, , V
Жека Мырдык живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Украина, Донецкая область, Енакиево.