Подробная информация:
Unix Multics проживает в городе Cambridge, США. Родной город - Cambridge. Семейное положение Unix: замужем. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о карьере.
Unix пишет о себе:
Surprisingly that a hardcore Multics, being constantly in memory of computer, and in those distant days often ridiculed for the size and complication, occupied only 135 Kilobytes of code. The first computers of Ge-645 had memory measuring 512 * 1024 32th bit words (or 2 Megabytes on today's measurements), therefore a hardcore occupied much place not so.It is needed similarly to notice that all operating system, including the difficult compiler of language of Pl/I, user commands and additional libraries, consisted of approximately one and a half thousand initial files, each of which contained approximately for 200 lines of koda. In a skompilirovannom kind all this code occupied about 4.5 Megabyte, that was an enormous size in those times.The compilers of Multics mainly optimized a code in size, but not on efficiency of the use of central processing unit, that was grounded the economy of memory in the mnogopol'zovatel'skoy system.
Интересы Unix:
Multics, UNIX, was one of the first operating systems, realizing the flat model of storage of data, to expressly dividing conception of files (urgent in the system of Multics segments) and memory of calculable processes. Memory of calculable processes consisted of segments, each of which possessed the address space.For reading or record in segments, a calculable process used instructions of central processing unit of the system, and the operating system undertook all anxiety on the maintainance of the changed information on the hard disk of computer
Unix Multics живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, штат Массачусетс, Cambridge.