Подробная информация:
Katherine Moennig проживает в городе Pennsylvania, США. Родной город - USA Philadelphia, Pennsylvania state. Семейное положение Katherine: не замужем.
Katherine пишет о себе:
Born in the family tvorcheskoy танцовщицы скрипичных affairs and master. From childhood ballet and Igor deal on violin, but not demonstrated in Volume userdyya us, nor in the second as early as 10 years blystala in the children's theater. Кэтрин, выпускница dramatycheskyh American Academy of Arts, debuted in film in "Young Americans".
From 2004 studies in the project televyzyonnom "Sex in the second city, where plays and nezavysymuyu raskreposchennuyu Lesbian girl-Shane MakKatchen.
Namely thanks to access this project Кэтрин acquired yzvestnost the interest and public. The actress does not like rasprostranyatsya own way of privacy, always осторожна with reporters, about what revelations pryznaetsya outset in an interview reveals own way and not sexual severity.
Katherine Moennig живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, содружество Пенсильвании, Pennsylvania.