Vera Miller-Gulkina

Vera Miller-Gulkina, США, Panama City Beach Весы

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Место проживания
Panama City Beach
Родной город


38 лет
10 октября 1987
Семейное положение
Подробная информация:
Vera Miller-Gulkina проживает в городе Panama City Beach, США. Родной город - Чебоксары. Рождена в год Кролика по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Весы. В настоящий момент Vera 38 лет. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, родственниках.
Vera пишет о себе:
I've been to hell and back...I spill shit - trip & embarass myself... I cant't just flatter my eyes & get that boy... My life is messed up, i've been through more shit than you see on TV. Nobody's perfect! I've been lied to, cheated on & had my heart stolen. I've fucked up, fucked people up & been fucked up! But every hit was worth it because I felt it... I knew it was real. Life is real & i'm living it wrong every day. I'm fucking up royalty & doing everything opposite! But do I regret one thing? NEVER! Because at one point what I did was what I wanted & I got my fucking satisfaction! My life is mine & no stupid BITCHES or immature BOYS can fuck it up for me anymore! I'm the real deal & i'd love to see you... TRY AND FUCKING BREAK ME!!! SOME THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT LOCALS IN FLORIDA: We live in the party capital,so you can't do it like us. Everyone wonders why we are all so bad. There is nothing else to do but party in this town and we are all DAMN good at it. One high school girl from here could drink more then your collage boys and wake up the next morning go to the beach and start all over again.We were raised to go out, and party like its our mother fucking job.You spend one ONE week here,we stay here,we live here,we are the locals you here about all over mtv. We know the difference in a local girl and a spring break girl,as soon as we see them on the beach. Spring Break Girls-Take 15 minutes to drink one beer. Local Girls- use that 15 minutes to drink a 12 pack all on there own. Spring break Girls - Fuck any guy that smiles at them. Local Girls - Don't think anything of that smile cause they get it all the time.(and we know there is this thing called aids and you will get it if you fuck any random guy) Don't think we like you just cause we are talking to you on the beach. Its not cause your hot (don't flatter yourself) more then likely we see you have beer and we want it. Most people don't go to there first club till they are 18, we all have been by the time we finish our freshman year in high school. In mid January if you go to our school after lunch no one is there, go look down behind OT you will see more then half our school sitting on the beach getting drunk and skimming/surfing. Most people get spring break for ONE week, we get it from march 1st till the end of April. Then 2 1/2 weeks after that it starts our summer. We do this all year round so please don't think your cool cause you are here for one week. No one thinks you are cool,we just laugh at you. Don't think you know how to party cause you have visited here.You haven't seen nothing!
Интересы Vera:
beach, shopping, cooking... and hanging out with my besties of course!!!
Vera Miller-Gulkina живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, штат Флорида, Panama City Beach.
Среднее образование:
Школа №13
Заволжская школа
Высшее образование:
ЧГУ им. Ульянова
Факультет: Факультет иностранных языков
Кафедра: Теории и практики перевода
Статус: Выпускница (специалист), Очное отделение
Дата окончания: 2009
Валера Макаров
возраст 39 лет
родился 29 марта 1986 года
знак зодиака: Овен
Clayton James
Максим Мочалов
Нина Третьякова (Третьякова)
родилась 18 октября
знак зодиака: Весы
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