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Сережка пишет о себе:
when you have a real interest in life and a curious life, that sleep is not the most important thing
Height - 180
Weight - 65
Hair - blonde
Eyes - green
Birth sign - scorpio
<3 AliskA !
Интересы Сережки:
cinema, style, GQ, party, m-margeting, NYC, supermario, pacman, rawr, old school, vas, sushi, sex, rbc, fashion, porsche, hugs, mobile, self-management, clothes, kenzo, martini bianco, W&C, geek, nerdy, wf, coca-cola, retro, ipod nano, successful business, idea!, music, wayfarer, literature, news, vandalism in marketing, forbes, clubs, franchising, kids, to dream, management, maharishi, sms, ice-tea, 80s, 60s, cheap monday, j-horrors, brainfuck, work