Подробная информация:
Тейлор Лотнер проживает в городе Michigan, США. Родной город - Grand-Rapids. Рожден в год Обезъяны по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Водолей. В настоящий момент Тейлору 33 года. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании, карьере.
Тейлор пишет о себе:
I began to get busy karate in age six years, taught at school carat of Fabiano, in Khollende, the state is Michigan. Next year I began to win in tournaments. Soon, when it was me eight, I was invited on teaching to the sevenfold world on karate champion to Mike Chetu, and in twelve years I was caused to present the country, and in accordance with the division of the World association karate, proved, becoming a champion on world of Form and Weapon» «Cup, winning the three gilded youths.
I began an actor career since my instructor on martial arts convinced me to pass listening for participating in advertising of Burger King in Los Angeles. And although it appeared unsuccessful, I so strongly enjoyed the got experience, that decided to continue the actor career.
Интересы Тейлора:
In own time I like to go in for sports. For example, in an order to correspond book appearance of werewolf Dzheykoba Bleka for a role in surveys in a film «Twilights», I succeeded to grow myshechnuyu mass and provide oneself 8th blocks the press in it 18 years. Herein I was helped by the increased employments on trainers and swimming
Тейлор Лотнер живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Штат Мичиган, Michigan.