Liina Laur, Эстония, Tallinn (Таллин)
Место проживания
Tallinn (Таллин)
Семейное положение
Подробная информация:
Liina Laur проживает в городе Tallinn (Таллин), Эстония. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании.
Liina пишет о себе:
Hi! My name is Liina and I am a teenager living in Estonia! Life here is pretty ordinary and very similar to that of the United States. We have cars, schools, buses, restaurants, malls. etc. Anyway, I love to shop and go to the mall everyday after school. Whenever I go to shop, I always buy modest and conservative clothing that shows respect to my family and myself. Every morning my mom makes sure that I wear a conservative but yet fashionable outfit to school. If I were to go to school dressed inappropriately I would be grounded for over a month. Unfortunately, I just got myself grounded again! Last night when we went out for dinner, I spoke too loudly in the restaurant so some people began to stare at me. My parents thought that I dragged to much attention to myself in public so I lost television privileges for two weeks! UGH! Also, since I was talking to my BFF Eliisabet all night I was unable to finish my homework in the best manner possible. I left like seven multiple choice questions out of twelve blank so the teacher called my mom to tell her that my homework was not satisfactory so it was considered disrespectful. My parents decided to take away my cell phone for a month. Oh wait I forgot to talk about the day before yesterday! The day before yesterday my whole family and I were going to a dinner party as usual. We were tardy because I decided to shop an extra hour. My parents felt so ashamed since we showed up late. Supposedly, it is considered disrespectful to the host to come late. In the three hours that we were there I managed to call the host by her first name without asking her permission. I sounded so weird! I also managed to interrupt my mother when she was talking to my aunt. The only thing that I said was "Please pass the bread." After, the dinner party I was grounded again. My parents took away my shopping for fun privilege. They are so unfair!But on the bright side tomorrow is my birthday! The bad part is that my mom caught me opening my presents too early so my party got canceled! It was "disrespectful" of me to go and open my presents before they were given to me. However, on the bright side my parents are letting me have my birthday party next week . YAY!!! ttyl:)
Интересы Liina:
I am completely and totally excited to attend the Tartu movie Festival this summer to see all of the documentaries that many locals put together. However, some of the films really get into social and political issues going on in Estonia! Since, I already know how to speak Russian, Estonian, and English I am taking some French courses over the summer just for fun!
Liina Laur живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Эстония, уезд Харьюмаа, Tallinn (Таллин).
Среднее образование:
Õismäe Kool
Tallinn (Таллин)
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Однофамильцы Liina Laur
20 апреля 1985, 40 лет
17 сентября 1990, 35 лет
20 ноября 1980, 45 лет
11 августа 1934, 91 год