Mirashheb Lathe

Mirashheb Lathe, Индия, Bangalore Близнецы
Место проживания
9 июня
Семейное положение
не состоит в браке, не женат
Подробная информация:
Mirashheb Lathe проживает в городе Bangalore, Индия. Семейное положение Mirashheb: не женат. Знак зодиака Близнецы. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем образовании.
Mirashheb пишет о себе:
A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants (plants of the division Magnoliophyta, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to mediate the union of male sperm with female ovum in order to produce seeds. The process begins with pollination, is followed by fertilization, leading to the formation and dispersal of the seeds. For the higher plants, seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary means by which individuals of a species are dispersed across the landscape. The grouping of flowers on a plant is called the inflorescence. In addition to serving as the reproductive organs of flowering plants, flowers have long been admired and used by humans, mainly to beautify their environment but also as a source of food.
Интересы Mirashheb:
A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants (plants of the division Magnoliophyta, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to mediate the union of male sperm with female ovum in order to produce seeds. The process begins with pollination, is followed by fertilization, leading to the formation and dispersal of the seeds. For the higher plants, seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary means by which individuals of a species are dispersed across the landscape. The grouping of flowers on a plant is called the inflorescence. In addition to serving as the reproductive organs of flowering plants, flowers have long been admired and used by humans, mainly to beautify their environment but also as a source of food.
Mirashheb Lathe живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Индия, штат Карнатака, Bangalore.
Высшее образование:
Amity Global Business School
Факультет: Amity Global Business School
Кафедра: Marketing
Статус: Студент (специалист), Очное отделение
Дата окончания: 2007
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Однофамильцы Mirashheb Lathe
19 августа
31 июля