Tony Jaa, Таиланд, Bangkok Водолей
Место проживания
Родной город

Surin province in Isaan area (North-East

49 лет
5 февраля 1976
Семейное положение
Подробная информация:
Tony Jaa проживает в городе Bangkok, Таиланд. Родной город - Surin province in Isaan area (North-East. Рожден в год Дракона по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Водолей. В настоящий момент Tony 49 лет. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании.
Tony пишет о себе:
__________ Bruce Lee __________ "I was crazy about him. I tried to emulate his high jump. I tried to get my back muscles to look like his. He has this way of acting that looks like a cat, and I would try to do that. My favorite Bruce Lee movie is The Way of the Dragon . We were rice farmers, so my mom would tell me I would have to finish farming a certain part of the rice farm before I could go play, and then we could go play movies. Sometimes we would play like we were showing those movies. We would cut paper dolls and act like we were showing movies on the screen and have people come and do voiceovers for the characters in the movie". __________ Jackie Chan __________ "Bruce Lee is a serious person, whereas Jackie Chan has that comedic element in him. Jackie Chan used everything around him as a weapon. When there would be ceremonies in the town -- weddings, funerals, religious holidays -- they would show Jackie Chan and Jet Li movies outdoors on a giant sheet. Even if it was 10 kilometers away from my village, I would go out of my way to watch these films. At night, when I saw the moonlight was out, I would go out into the field and practice at being Jackie Chan on my own. After a while, that got boring. So I had to bring my friends to watch the films with me. We'd play at being Jackie Chan. I would be the one on the elephant, so I would be Jackie Chan. My friends would be on the water buffalo and we'd be fighting each other. We even had scripts involved. We created a set out of wood. We would hit each other and run into the wooden set. My mom would be like, "What are you doing? What are you doing?" She would come and try to hit us! " __________ Panna Rittikrai __________ "He's the first person to do action films in Thailand and the first person to create a stunt team in Thailand. He was the star of 1981's Born to Fight, which was really the first movie where Thai people were absolutely shocked to see stuntmen put their life on the line. Challenging death is the key point of that movie. Panna wanted people to see the dedication and the manpower it took to put the movie together. In terms of plot, it was more of a combination of all martial arts movies. It was a movie that inspired me and allowed me to meet Ong-Bak 's director Prachya Pinkaew - he was also inspired by it. I told my father that I wanted to go meet Panna, but he was kind of wary because he didn't know Panna. At the time, my father told me to finish school and he wanted me to study further and become a priest. I told my father that if he didn't take me, I would kill myself. I was able to study with him and he coordinated the stunts on Ong-Bak". __________ Jet Li __________ "The beautiful movements that Jet Li makes come from his martial art of wushu -- it's from Mainland China. When you see it, you see how he has a seriousness about him. It's the quietness of the character that makes him different"
Интересы Tony:
karaoke with his friends, visit temples
Tony Jaa живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Таиланд, Бангкок, Bangkok.
Среднее образование:
วิทยาลัยพลศึกษามหาสารคาม (Maha Sarakhma Physical Education College)
Maha Sarakham
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Однофамильцы Tony Jaa
8 июня 1990, 35 лет
5 февраля 1976, 49 лет
20 апреля 1987, 38 лет
15 января 1995, 30 лет