Подробная информация:
Anthony Ibrahim проживает в городе Joünié, Ливан. Родной город - Zouk. Семейное положение Anthony: женат. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем образовании, карьере.
Anthony пишет о себе:
DJ UnDeRtaKeR “Anthony Ibrahim”, he started his creative career at the age of 11, he discovered his passion for music, he used to listen to the radio and contemplate the music of DJ’s and their type of playing.
He began his amateur career according to his own standards at the age of 14 started understanding the music and mixing, bought a startup gear of turntables etc… and started his own mixing for his own pleasure alone, he was his own critic.
He was passionate with any kind of DJ competitions, scratching, show… This lasted to the time he started maturing in the domain of music, his experience matured through contact with different DJ in a variety of competitions.
Especially on the international stage where he played abroad in different gigs and clubs all these added to his expertise, and evolved his taste by experiencing the varieties in music and culture. His passion turned into obsession, his amateur lifestyle entered the domain of professionalism, and music became part of his life, from hence forward whenever the name DJ UnDeRtaKeR was mentioned, it meant Music.
He blossomed in his music, nurturing a small crowd that followed him from nightclub to nightclub; this crowd grew alongside his experience, they became like a family to him as music was his mistress. His fan base became very demanding, and his music has taken a new shape a unique style which taught the people who listened to him what the music meant to him.
At 19 he played live in front of 250 people and made them become one with the music, indulge into the beauty ……. His musical ear took a new level when he wanted to explore the depth of music in general by creating his own private production of music combining classical music to trance, giving respect to the innovators by creating his own stamp into the music industry, soon this new kind will be soon released to the masses.
His challenging thirst led him to the international stage where he competed against the best DJ’s from all corners of the world; some of the tournaments he aced were to name a few: “LONDON”, “LEBANON 2003 FOUND@THIRST” and many more……
He was asked to be on a program called “Live tour of DJ’s” where he played and was interviewed. He now leads a program “A State of Mind”.
In the privacy of his own studio, DJ UnDeRtaKeR stays up to date, discovers new tunes, by combining different tunes to become one to lead to a pure ecstasy enjoyed only by music fans all over the world, who appreciate the art of music
Интересы Anthony:
Harley Davidson rider, Traveling and exploring the world, Tai Boxing
Anthony Ibrahim живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Ливан, Joünié.