Кариба Хейн

Кариба Хейн, США, San Francisco Весы
Место проживания
San Francisco
Родной город

Южно - африканская республика

37 лет
1 октября 1988
Семейное положение
в отношениях
Подробная информация:
Кариба Хейн проживает в городе San Francisco, США. Родной город - Южно - африканская республика. Рождена в год Дракона по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Весы. В настоящий момент Карибе 37 лет. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании.
Кариба пишет о себе:
Hi to all.My name is Phoebe.I the simple girl. I a beginning actress, was removed in different advertising and in a serial h2o, much known as: Just add water.Was born on October, 17th, 1989 in Sydney, in AustraliaFrom 4 years age participated in various classes of dance, including classical ballet and modern dance. Pursuing the passion to theatrical game, my finishes various rates of the Australian theatre for youth. Role Cleo on TV-its debut. Having received this role which was dream, I strongly worked as development of the swimming skills and has reached good results.I was born in Sydney in 1989 and from 4 years the chechotka, and modern dances participated in various dancing classes, including classical dances,Ballet .Aspiring to satisfy the passion to actor's skill it from 12 years has passed various rates at the Australian youth theatre and theatre Uorf. Rates at Youth theatre included Shakespeare's products, clownery statements, and musical theatre.During study at school Kvinvud known for the theatre,I visited and participated in such school statements, « the White crane » and « the Venetian twins ». Every year it acted in traditional school Shakespearian festival and last year has won first place after a role in « the Dream in a moonlight night ».In 16 years I is the most younger among leading structure of a serial and role Cleo; its first role on TV. Role Cleo is a realization of its dream and though it was not the good swimmer, I was seriously tightened before the beginning of shootings.I shall ask not flattery to me with questions:I present or not? I at once shall answer you YES!!! Also I accept only if you speak on English language or from H2O!!! All I love yours Phoebe! Whether you know that... Phoebe took private lessons of dramas. Phoebe takes a great interest in a number of dances, such as ballet. Phoebe has won the State ending in Shakespeare's Festival for Dream of night in the middle of summer. Phoebe went to school Queenwood for girls in Balmorale, suburb of Sydney. Phoebe the personal trainer was necessary that it helped it with some places of underwater actions. Phoebe adores to work with girls from н2о (Claire and Cariba) Phoebe considers not convenient to dress a tail. Favourite scenes Phoebe, it is scenes with boys. Phoebe gave interview on the channel Disney .Образованиередактировать .Высшее образование [ редактировать ]
Интересы Карибы:
Phoebe likes to photograph, likes to travel with friends and as it is good to have a rest. She loves the work of the actress, but she hardly hardly has time to combine it with private life Phoebe likes to photograph, likes to travel with friends and as it is good to have a rest. She loves the work of the actress, but she hardly hardly has time to combine it with private life
Кариба Хейн живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Калифорния, San Francisco.
Среднее образование:
ANU College
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Однофамильцы Карибы Хейн
29 апреля 1980, 45 лет
19 апреля 1969, 56 лет
Южно-Африканская Республика
5 сентября 1988, 37 лет
New York City
23 ноября 1992, 33 года