Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez, Канада, Stratford
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Подробная информация:
Selena Gomez проживает в городе Stratford, Канада. Родной город - Москва. Семейное положение Selena: не замужем.
Selena пишет о себе:
Already in six years I passed the first casting, and in seven beginnings to work in show «Barni and friends», having won a casting against 1400 applicants. It is necessary to tell that here an important role enterprise of Mendi has played. The skilled actress, it has arranged the whole show on a platform where took place a casting. To me then 7 years were executed, and mum suited to me a grandiose holiday on the occasion of birthday directly on a set. I was congratulated by all contestants and their parents. And producers have allocated the girl from huge crowd of applicants. Selenium of Gomez there was in the seventh and eighth season of a serial «Barni and friends» after that it was noticed by advertisers. The beautiful little girl advertized toys, chain store systems and networks of family restaurants. In 2004 when she was 12 years old, Selenium has passed a casting in Walt Disney's studio then has appeared in a series of successful Disney's projects, like a teleserial «Hanna Montana». As has passed this second fatal casting for Seleny, there is no mention, but probably, mum's formation and experience and here haven't pumped up. Anyway, it is surprising, as the timid girl with a brief experience of shootings has bypassed more successful and skilled competitors. «Us have brought to California, - remembers Selena Gomez. – I was terribly timid, held down. I have entered into a room in which there were many people – directors, producers. And I understood that I compete with girls who are more skilled me and keep more confidently. I don't understand, how have passed that casting». Anyway, and by 17 years Seleny had 17 appreciable film roles. Now Selenium with pleasure the film acts in, learns to sing and writes down the first albums, participates in charity. The most appreciable charitable projects of Gomez are cooperation with the insurance company and the company on rescue of street dogs.
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Однофамильцы Selena Gomez
New York City
22 февраля 1993, 32 года
New York City
25 декабря 1993, 32 года
Grand Prairie
22 июля 1992, 33 года
27 декабря