Подробная информация:
Enhktuul Erdenebileg проживает в городе Оргеев, Молдова. Рождена в год Лошади по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Рак. В настоящий момент Enhktuul 35 лет.
Enhktuul пишет о себе:
I love to live life to the fullest [ party animal] travelling, basically if there is excitment put me in it! i love to take risks just wanna have fun... I LOVE LIFE! At college learning travel and tourism. I love life and i believe every1 is beautiful in their own way! Not lookin for no immature little boy who wants a bit off fun, also Im the happiesttt person you will ever meet :), well thats only if u get to meet me thooo.
Laughing is good for u and that's prob's what im very good at! oo yeee i also design clothes, jewels,baGs, anything that comes across my mind that i feel is going to be usefull will get designed. I eat food with passion! i LOVE cooking. I wana be a psychologist when im like 30... but thats ages away. I dont reply to some of of use cuz i just think some of use are hereeee for some sexual reasons which i do not apProve of! biii for now kiddysss muahhh x
Enhktuul Erdenebileg живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Молдова, Оргеевский район, Оргеев.