Alinoe Divofilano

Alinoe Divofilano, Индонезия, Bandung Девы
Место проживания
Родной город

24 августа
Семейное положение
не состоит в браке, не женат
Подробная информация:
Alinoe Divofilano проживает в городе Bandung, Индонезия. Родной город - Bandung. Семейное положение Alinoe: не женат. Знак зодиака Девы. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании.
Alinoe пишет о себе:
. . . . 'bout dream... To have a successful career... Together forever with My BF ♥....♥ n have a happy family... Makes our parents happy... Always Love Me forever n ever... 'bout love... LOVE is not necessary to be fantastic... but must be permanent... right??!! it's not necessary to do any big things, but some small things in daily lives, say to start caring of the ppl that around u i.e. ur BF or GF , ur parents n family members... Give 'em a piece of smile, a little bit more of time, a warmest compliment, be HONEST, be LOYAL n' be ON TIME!! Well… I love ♥....♥ so much 'coz he loves me too… Thankz love… everything's fine now... our relationship's doing fine... Bagaimana cinta mengubah kehidupan ?? Daya tarik dari cinta adalah pembelajaran, bahkan saat sakit, kita biarkan itu mengalir, biarkan ia berjalan untuk menemukan kualitas dirinya melalui diri kita, pengertian kita, dan penghargaan kita atas cinta melalui kemarahan, kekecewaan, luka, dan pengertian negatif apapun, tantangan selalu ada untuk menemukan cinta. Ada saat ketika nampaknya mustahil, tetapi karena daya tariknya, cinta membuat kita terus berjalan. Ada saat anda merasa terluka, kecewa dan sakit, dan setiap waktu itu adalah pengalaman untuk menemukan jalan pada cinta, memahami dan menerima cinta itu. Dengan kesadaran, anda meneruskan hidup dengan pengalaman baru, orang baru, hal baru, dan hidup baru... cHa"nd..™ really care... A pure heart will freely to give n freely to love, 'til it's hurted. I tell u what... when u find ur heart is HURTED, that means u had really CONTRIBUTED.. When poor ppl have nothing to eat, they don't just want u to give 'em a piece of bread, but also ur LOVE.. When poor ppl have nothing to wear,they don't just want u to give 'em a piece of cloth, but also ur RESPECT.. When poor ppl have no where to stay, they don't just want a habitat n what they really want is NOT to be abandoned, NOT to be forgotten n NOT to be uncared by the others.. who I want to meet... I'd like to meet ppl who have "heart", ppl who really understand what's the meaning of FRIENDSHIP n LOVE!! If someone treated u unfair, u still have to love him/her.. If someone laughed at ur kindness, u still have to be kindness.. If someone jealous on ur successful, u still have to do ur best to be successful.. If the thing u're creating might have chance to be discarded in one day, u still have to use ur heart to built it up.. If someone dislike ur joyful n peaceful, u still have to keep urself joyful and peaceful.. If today u've done something good to somebody but he/she is going to forget 'bout u by tomorrow, u still have to be good to him/her.. If u think that ur contribution will never can satisfy the world, u still have to contribute.. U gotta understand all the above things ... ╔══╗ ♫ ♫ ♥ ║██║ ♫ ♥ ♫ ║OO║ ♥ ♫ ♥ ╚══╝ Love MY SELF !! I'll be loving all the time, it's true Cause I want to make it right with you . . muuuaaaccchhh !! =) cheers, ^_^ cHa"nd . .
Интересы Alinoe:
voulons être un modèle de la [piste]™ caRi oRang yang BaeK ma cHan . . Mo bTeMen ma cHan . . seRu-seRuan Bareng . . gokiLL"an . . i could only have managed my self to be more interesting and different!! The key is be and believe in your self . . !! it's an honour to have you as my friends guys =)
Alinoe Divofilano живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Индонезия, город Бандунг, Bandung.
Среднее образование:
SMA Negeri 6
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