Подробная информация:
Meghan Dawson проживает в городе Chapel Hill, США. Знак зодиака Скорпион. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем образовании.
Meghan пишет о себе:
A Few of My Favorite Things: Sappy movies, musicals, thunderstorms at night, wishing on yellow lights, snuggling, singing at the top of my lungs while driving, dogs, being Southern, orange freezes, being "chilli bumped", obnoxiously large bottles of water, cheez-its, children (esp MY children), games shows, European crosswalks, laughing until my side hurts or until i cry...which ever comes first, being a Daddy's girl, freshly washed jeans, the beach, funny voicemails, "bonding" with my sisters, complete surprises, sweet text messages, acoustic guitars, pretending to cook, mystery, leaping without looking, blue eyes, best friends...
And My Un-Favorites: Oversleeping, losing things you know you put in a certain place (maybe i'm just getting old), arrogance, my phone ringer after about a month of the same one, judgment, drivers who don't use a turn signal, catching the end of my favorite song on the radio, injustice, saying goodbye, forced conversation/laughter, ignorance and immaturity (which often go hand in hand), large crawling bugs with lots of legs, pessimists...
Интересы Meghan:
Literature, Acoustic music, Dogs of all shapes and sizes, Playing board games, Dancing like a fool, Eating yummy food, Camping, Being active, Learning new people and places and trying new things.
Meghan Dawson живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, штат Северная Каролина, Chapel Hill.