Nelly Crip, США, New York City Скорпион
Место проживания
New York City
Родной город

New york

49 лет
2 ноября 1976
Семейное положение
Подробная информация:
Nelly Crip проживает в городе New York City, США. Родной город - New york. Рожден в год Дракона по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Скорпион. В настоящий момент Nelly 49 лет. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о среднем образовании, карьере, службе в армии.
Nelly пишет о себе:
I may need only two years, from a next energetic and lucky debutant to grow into sensation of American rap which the last years and so did not suffer from the shortage of the new names. At the end of 90th the growing army of repperov began to push on a background even traditional favourites of American public - performers of fate and kantri.Я appeared in time and panoplied, able handling the most showy receptions of pop-muzyki, to the summer of 2002 to captivate by itself all of conceivable charts and to sell out two first albums the 14-millionth drawing. Today already my statement done in beginning of career does not seem causing: "Nobody no longer sounds how I. I created absolutely unique style of music. I nachityvayu a blues. I like to name svooyu music the jazz form of khip-khopa". That in rep-kommune I seemed a man from from nowhere.I belonged neither to school of east coast, neither to repperam of the American west nor to the newest branch of Sonth rap. My nastoyashie name of Kornell Kheyns junior (Cornell Haynes, Jr.), I in the future to the figure simply Nelly, I borned on November, 2, 1978 in Сент-Луисе, state Texas, almost in the meadle of the that not on am most middle west. Childhood for me flowed fully usually for a black-skinned boy, above-ground in deaf negro boroughs, among the abandoned lots and fastened with nails houses. Basic information about life, especially about its most unattractive sides, a street gave, where it is possible it was without ceremony to get a weapon and make an attempt any drug. I zanimalsya mainly that found out relationships with neighbourly boys, changed schools and was a nomad from one relatives to other - parents tested all of methods, to distract me from street adventures. But Сент-Луис is a city small and fully provincial, seemed, there all know everything about each other, and the hidden quite nowhere. Unknown, what this severe vital experience turned around for me, if in 14 years I did not move elsewhere and did not get in absolutely new surroundings. After the divorce of parents I with mater'yu settled in a campus in the suburb of Сент-Луиса, where carried with baseball, I began to poetize and zainteresovalsya the art of rep-chitki. Records of such heroes of khip-khop-stage, as Rakim (Rakim), LL Cool J, Run DMC, Outkast, Goodie Mob and JAY-Z deprived his last doubts in relation to what would need to devote life. Among the schoolfellows I found true friends and like-minded persons with which in 1996 collected the first command St. Lunatics. The central figure of the "Sainted madmen" was Kaydzhuan (Kyjuan), beginning specialist on the rhymed patter. Other actings persons: Siti Slump (City Spud), Whether (Murphy Lee) Merfi, Ali (Ali) and Dzheyson (Jason), - always were similarly fanatically devoted business and stick together already eight years. The first four years of mi unsuccessfully tried to come into to itself the notice of some large shark of show-business. Did not help even circumstance that already in 1996 a group found possibility to publish debut singl of "Gimmie What you Got", which prodyusirovala independently and which very pleased local public. In Сент-Луисе a disk unexpectedly divided the seventhousandth drawing, and one number became a hit in ether of the largest city wireless station. After a few years of sterile attempts there are participants of St. Lunatics decided collectively, that I must begin a solo career. They were sure that my ability to present itself from the stage, my art of rifmovki will be wiped off by all of barriers. A game costed candles. Soon in a pocket I already had a contract with meydzhorom Universal Records. Thus the spirit of commune did not transform for a musician in an empty phrase. "I do not feel itself simply by a solo artist, - talks me. - For other participants of St. Lunatics I simply key in a door through which they will be able to find an output on your own. So it turned out that I
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* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: США, Нью-Йорк, New York City.
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New York City
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Однофамильцы Nelly Crip
3 сентября
2 августа 1995, 30 лет
12 февраля 1983, 42 года
4 апреля 1993, 32 года