Маша Антонова

Маша Антонова, Россия, Рыбинск (деревня) Овен
Место проживания
Рыбинск (деревня)
Родной город


34 года
29 марта 1991
Семейное положение
в отношениях
Подробная информация:
Маша Антонова проживает в городе Рыбинск (деревня), Россия. Родной город - Рыбинск. Рождена в год Овцы по китайскому гороскопу, знак зодиака Овен. В настоящий момент Маше 34 года. Из открытых источников получены следующие сведения: информация о высшем и среднем образовании, службе в армии.
Маша пишет о себе:
Hello, my name is Lena! Im 19! I from Russia, Fishburg. I have blonde hair, brown eyes.I have an amazing life, I don't need anything more. I don't try to impress. I hate when people kiss my **** lol !!! I accept everyone for who they are. I love my life and being single! people never really get to see me for who I am. I am not shallow and I don't tolerate being treated like one.Never underestimate me, or my intelligence, it will be to your disadvantage. I'm actually a really super girl:)And keep it outcha' mouth(: Im single,Go ahead, talk all the shit you want. I'm too sarcastic for words and it'll more then likely annoy you. I am perfectly fine with telling you what's on my mind.Show me respect and that you have a heart and I'll give you all that I can:)I do not know a lot of the important material, I mainly remember all supernatural dung which I hear. There are enough many people which knows about the important dung, I am assured, that I shall be fine without it. Clear full of dreams and star designing is surprising enough. So - a science, history and supernatural animals. I am not in earnest by a life too. You never know, what day is going to be your last, thus you could live also a life to the fullest. I do not wish to recollect for a life when I am more senior also a regret which is not doing a material. I like to meet new people with new interesting histories to tell. I hate heap of idiots which try here something write, and give out it for super idea which should be interesting all which try to inform what they abrupt, telling cheap histories. It does not concern my friends (stupid slang me too enrages). I dont wish to resemble this heap and consequently I shall not write in this any delirium. You can discuss clever ideas (not mine) argue, speak, that I toil with any chicken-feed. And if its fair, to me on it spit. Who well knows me, that under my comments and answers can understand Hello, my name is Lena! Im 19! I from Russia, Fishburg. I have blonde hair, brown eyes.I have an amazing life, I don't need anything more. I don't try to impress. I hate when people kiss my **** lol !!! I accept everyone for who they are. I love my life and being single! people never really get to see me for who I am. I am not shallow and I don't tolerate being treated like one.Never underestimate me, or my intelligence, it will be to your disadvantage. I'm actually a really super girl:)And keep it outcha' mouth(: Im single,Go ahead, talk all the shit you want. I'm too sarcastic for words and it'll more then likely annoy you. I am perfectly fine with telling you what's on my mind.Show me respect and that you have a heart and I'll give you all that I can:)I do not know a lot of the important material, I mainly remember all supernatural dung which I hear. There are enough many people which knows about the important dung, I am assured, that I shall be fine without it. Clear full of dreams and star designing is surprising enough. So - a science, history and supernatural animals. I am not in earnest by a life too. You never know, what day is going to be your last, thus you could live also a life to the fullest. I do not wish to recollect for a life when I am more senior also a regret which is not doing a material. I like to meet new people with new interesting histories to tell. I hate heap of idiots which try here something write, and give out it for super idea which should be interesting all which try to inform what they abrupt, telling cheap histories. It does not concern my friends (stupid slang me too enrages). I dont wish to resemble this heap and consequently I shall not write in this any delirium. You can discuss clever ideas (not mine) argue, speak, that I toil with any chicken-feed. And if its fair, to me on it spit. Who well knows me, that under my comments and answers can understand what mood me of what I think, etc.
Интересы Маши:
Обожаю треш=***
Маша Антонова живет здесь:
* Фактический адрес проживания определен с точностью до города: Россия, Центральный федеральный округ, Рыбинск (деревня).
Среднее образование:
Вечерняя школа №8
Высшее образование:
Факультет: Факультет международной журналистики
Кафедра: Международной журналистики
Статус: Абитуриентка, Очное отделение
Дата окончания: ????
Служба в вооруженных силах:
Нахуй вообще такая армия?я девушка=*
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Однофамильцы Маши Антоновой
10 сентября 1985, 40 лет
21 сентября
Нижний Новгород
12 декабря 1991, 34 года
20 февраля